NOW HIRING - SPED Paraprofessionals (multiple positions-inclusion, extended resource, behavior) LOCATION: Lander Valley High School (LVHS) SALARY: $16.86-$17.86 per hr based on appropriate experience, 37.5 hours/week minimum; full benefits START DATE: August 19, 2024 APPLY BY: Open until filled Click the link to apply
7 months ago, Aspen Anderson
LVHS para
HIRING - Lights On Program Descriptions for each job listed below CLICK THE LINK TO APPLY
8 months ago, Aspen Anderson
Lights on hiring
Register now for the 2024 Tigers Football Skill and Technique Camp! Camp will be located at the LVHS Game Field This camp is for students entering 3rd – 8th grade @ 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Please complete the document and have your child bring it to the first day of camp.
8 months ago, Aspen Anderson
URGENTLY HIRING FCSD#1 is looking for CUSTODIANS. LVHS and GPE have available positions so apply now!!
8 months ago, Aspen Anderson
custodian hiring
URGENTLY HIRING FCSD#1 is looking for FOOD SERVICE WORKERS. LVHS and GPE have available positions so apply now!!
8 months ago, Aspen Anderson
food service
URGENTLY HIRING FCSD#1 is looking for SUBSTITUTES. All schools have available positions so apply now!!
8 months ago, Aspen Anderson
subs hiring - 2024
URGENTLY HIRING FCSD#1 is looking for PARAPROFESSIONALS. All schools have available positions so apply now!! Apply now
8 months ago, Aspen Anderson
urgent hire - para
NOW HIRING MULTIPLE POSITIONS!! Here are our coaching positions available for the 2024-25 school year! Click the link to apply!
8 months ago, Aspen Anderson
2024-25 coaching positions
NOW HIRING MULTIPLE POSITIONS!! Here are our classified positions available for the 2024-25 school year! Click the link to apply!
8 months ago, Aspen Anderson
2024-25 classified positions
NOW HIRING MULTIPLE POSITIONS!! Here are our substitute positions available for the 2024-25 school year! Click the link to apply!
8 months ago, Aspen Anderson
2024-25 sub positions
Fremont County BOCES is offering substitute teacher training classes and PTSB classes starting in August. Substitute teacher certification class dates are: August 6-8, November 19-21. Attendance at all sessions is mandatory, and the BOCES fee is $150. All classes will be held at the Fremont Co BOCES offices, inside the Rendezvous Elementary School in Riverton. Classes for PTSB credit: "The Effective Teacher" on September 25th, 9am-4pm. $65 for 0.5 PTSB credit. "Professionalism in Education" on October 15th, 9am-4pm. $65 for 0.5 PTSB credit. Visit to register and pay the fee. Registration closes one week before classes are offered.
8 months ago, Website Publishing
Description of the BOCES offering.
NOW HIRING POSITION: Early Childhood Development Teacher LOCATION: Lander Valley High School START DATE: August 2024 Position is Open Until Filled Click the link to apply
9 months ago, Aspen Anderson
LVHS Hiring - Child Develop
NOW HIRING POSITION: Culinary Arts / Foods Teacher LOCATION: Lander Valley High School START DATE: August 2024 Position is Open Until Filled Click the link to apply
9 months ago, Aspen Anderson
LVHS Hiring - Culinary
NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!!! Pick up some Cross Country retro gear! All funds will go to purchasing new equipment for the LVHS XC team! July 3, 2024 between 4-7pm @ Centennial Park! See ya there!
9 months ago, Aspen Anderson
XC Fundraiser
Now Hiring: Family & Consumer Science Teacher at Lander Valley HS Salary $49,875 minimum (based on 2024-25 salary schedule) with full benefits; full-time, 185-day contract. Start date is August 2024. Position is open until filled. To apply, click:
9 months ago, Chris Brown
Welcome to the new Fremont #1 District website! You'll be seeing some exciting changes over the next few weeks as we migrate to a new structure with lots of new and powerful capabilities.
9 months ago, Chris Brown
Fremont #1 district logo