Offering expanded learning opportunities that facilitate academic excellence and positive youth development in a safe and structured environment for all students and their families.


2024-2025 After school program and Early Bird will begin August 27, 2024.

  • Early Bird
    Monday–Friday 7:00–7:45 a.m.
    Locations: Gannett Peak Elementary & Baldwin Creek Elementary

  • After School Program:
    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 3:00–5:30 p.m. Wednesday (Early Out) 2:00–5:30 p.m.
    Location: Pathfinder High School (863 Sweetwater)

  • Phone: (307) 335-7050


Ceatriss Wall
Program Director
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Vivian Brown
Site Coordinator & Program Assistant
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Nicki Kramer
Site Coordinator
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Anneke Erlandson
Site Coordinator
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Headstand lights-on

Lights On in Lander

Lights On in Lander is an after-school and summer school-based expanded services program that provides quality extended day and summer programming to students in grades PreK–6th. Since 2001, Lights On in Lander has been a strong support service for academic and youth development.

Lights On in Lander is funded by the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center federal grant through the United States Department of Education.

The Lights On in Lander after-school program provides a safe, structured, and supervised environment for academic and expanded learning opportunities. The program serves the school and the community population by promoting individual self-esteem and providing quality educational, recreational, and social programs for children in grades PreK–6th. Well-trained staff members interact positively with the children and accommodate the needs of all participants. The program offers age-specific and mixed-group programming, cultural sensitivity, and mutual respect between the children and staff. We welcome and encourage parent and legal guardian involvement.


  • To establish community learning centers that help students in high-poverty, low-performing schools meet academic achievement standards.

  • To offer a broad array of high-quality enrichment activities that are aligned with and complement the regular academic school day while positively affecting student outcomes such as school attendance and academic performance and decreasing risk factors.

  • To provide programming to engaged the families of 21st CCLC participants for the purpose of increasing parent/family engagement in learning and developing resilience through positive home/school relationships.

Staff Appreciation!

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Staff Appreciation 24/25